
Showing posts from February, 2025

Basic Pascal version 1.18 “Duckling”

  4 more games new for collection., 4 new games Qua с k-qua с kie things! Two games about a duckling and two about a countryside. So, a summer theme. Such a thematical issue for this time. So that’s why it has a name – Duckling. Code name, magic word for this version - Duckling. Countryside and summer and funny yellow duckling! Big and small! Different! So, first time here I try to make a realization of quest idea. With a format - search for items.

Vi Aliens – 70 seconds for a level! They are here!

  This time it is, already, prerelease version. It is 10 levels. About 70 seconds length. And 4 bosses and 1 megaboss. So, this means, that after some levels, it will be a boss. So, I add intros. Before game. With a   form of pictures. So, before start, it is shown some pictures. Something like, that you can see at Sega MegaDrive, Ms Dos. So, i`d do it too. And I have silhouette of alien and letter V Latin.

Vi Aliens – let`s speak about aliens!

  This is space shooter about aliens with top-down view. You, simply, fly, rather, fast. And shoot with laser. So, for this time, it is about more fast dynamics. And everything is so white here about visual.  And it is, simply, one more space shooter. Again, about aliens. Most, sci fi theme, as I can to say. Aliens . Space ships. They are Vi. And nothing more to know about them. So, a mystery . And something unknown .

Vi Aliens – white visual look Vi and space

  It is vertical space shooter. About aliens. Based on science fiction tv-series. Such as Visitors 80s years. So, I am, personally, a fan of style 80s. Vhs tapes. For example.

Rabbit goes as friend to a bunny

  Rabbit goes by meadow. He is sneaking in grass and goers as a guest to his friend - bunny. Bunny is so snow-white. He is so white color. So, it is not easy to see him from the first time, in a bright sunny day. As it is today.

Sb Cube Space

  Visual development. About fantastic sci fi and musical theme. About theme of space. A huge influence here is from side sci fi action movie, a little bit of fantasy, too – Star Wars Episode 4. Despite, that point, that movie is, rather, old about a release date, It is excellent in watch. And, not worse, than a modern movies. Even more, retro aesthetics add some new and interesting. Science fiction. Space. Stars. 

Smile at the blue screen

  Theme is like programmer`s error or make a smile and do programming. Positive theme. It is with blue screen. And, it is running little numbers 0 and 1. In a random way at the full screen. Just like, it is something like binary code. Random numbers. And, around them, yellow circle is running. With a smile and with eyes, little eyes. A funny face. With a funny little music. Like 8 bit. Or 16 bit or Ms Dos little music from funny arcade game. As, something like, maybe, it was in Commandeer Keen or Cosmo Cosmic. Blue screen with 0 and 1. And, also, it is little like Norton Commander or Volkov Commander. Do programming - it is fun!

V Aliens - Vi

  Space shooter with vertical format. You and aliens. You and space ships. Space. Movement becomes faster than last game – Free Linear Space. New graphics. And, main thing, here - everything looks another, another theme. And more fast movement.

Tv in constellation

  Tele universe - it is true space. Especially, when you moving with using of TV translation with channel or with usage of VHS cassette in a new world. In a far-far galaxy. Or in world of Star Gate. Start Trek. Star Wars. Action movie. Action. All of these - it is so entertaining, and so pulling into. And it drags you in! World of television – universe in a box. High technology.

Visual I Version 0.1 (02 February 2024) – start visual!

  Programs pack with visual series. It is, simply, programs, and something is going on when you run them. Funny picture is moving. There is a background. And it is on play some music. For example.  For example, theme of space. Or fantasy. Or anything else. Visual programs.