Rabbit goes as friend to a bunny


Rabbit goes by meadow. He is sneaking in grass and goers as a guest to his friend - bunny. Bunny is so snow-white. He is so white color. So, it is not easy to see him from the first time, in a bright sunny day. As it is today.

Rabbit is sneaking in the grass. And he can to eat a delicious grass during the road. There are growing lots of interesting grass in the field. Every grass in interesting for a rabbit. And, it is something delicious in the way here. So, rabbit is, already, at the hill. And, he sees things around – and here he is - his friend - bunny. Bunny is waiting for him here.

It turns out, that bunny remember, that rabbit go to his place as guest, and, it is today to happen. And he wakes up earlier. And go to the field. To meet rabbit. He climbs at the hill and looks around. And here is rabbit. So, here it is rabbit! He is so gray, and he is walking. By the grass. He is sneaking in grass from one little hill to another one. He is going by the field.

It is a bright and light day in the field. It is very hot summer day. Field is fill with different sounds. So, here – there are grasshoppers and bugs. And butterflies are flying. Everything is about their own things to do. So, rabbit arrived to bunny. His friend. So, they can to sit here at the little hill. And speak.

It is so good in the little grass. Everything is so green around. And so joyful. What can be better than a -go to a friend as guest, while it is early morning! Especially, in this good and warm day. With sounds of grasshoppers and bugs. So, how good they are, as musicians in the field. They sing most different melodies.

Rabbit and bunny lives in a different corners of the huge field. And field looks for them like endless. There is here a little river, shallow river. And forest. And bush. And, even, there is a little sand. And, little roads. And hills. And first of all - there are lots of grass here. Whole sea.

Rabbit and bunny now speaks about different things. And they go to play later. So, at the hill it is so warm and good now. It is a bright little sun above them. And all of them – have a good mood. Rabbit is surprised to see bunny at this certain place. Rabbit thinks, that he will go for some distance for some time, more distance. And bunny – was surprised too, that he finds rabbit so fast in this huge field.

So, at this legendary little hill – it becomes a meeting rabbit with bunny. This little hill is same like hundreds of others. But, at this certain one, friends have a meeting. Rabbit and bunny. And they speak about something, while songs of grasshoppers all around. And whistle of the bugs is all around.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.

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