Visual I Version 0.1 (02 February 2024) – start visual!


Programs pack with visual series. It is, simply, programs, and something is going on when you run them. Funny picture is moving. There is a background. And it is on play some music. For example.  For example, theme of space. Or fantasy. Or anything else. Visual programs.

And, it is come a time for a visual part. It is everything written with programming language QB64. Modern Basic. And it has whole three programs. It is like intros. So, you launch a program. And, it goes there some animation, some visual draw on screen. Programs for visual draw on screen. So, that’s why, it has a name - visual. And, for point of interest it is with Latin numbers.

Idea appears from different funny themes and things. And some movies and I have seen some intros. And, I wanted to make something by myself. Visual. That’s why it is visual.

I thought, it is demo. Such a small programs – little demos. So, it is, also, possible. But, I find out, that with word demo is, also, goes some demo-scene. And, my visual is not about this. So, it is possible to call it a demo in terms of such demo-versions or some workpiece. Such a programs, that show something. Once again. Word “visual”, I select for this purpose. It is not a demo-scene. But, I can say that, simply, word demo, also, is possible to use.

Idea is goes, also, from a jokes, memes. And, everything, I like. That cannot be inserted, included into program, this one or another one. But, it is, also, interesting. Well, you do not start to make a game because of little picture. Well, it is, possible, of course. But, you do not have so lots of power and time and skills. So, you can write a little simple program. Demo. Visual, to make.

Some visual ideas were in the head. Some flying in space tv-sets. Performer Sarah Brightman with spirit style of Princes Leia from Star Wars. Also, in space. And, blue screen with code binary format and smile at the screen. Some funny visual effects. Little programs. Demo. Such visual.

One more idea – to write some little programs. With Basic. With programming language QB64. To train it. And to do something small and funny! So, this way for every idea, it is possible to write a small program! And, in theory, to develop some programs in a future, based on, already, made visual. Maybe, even, it will be something more funny based on this! Practice of programming with Basic. With Qb64.

All of these are starting ideas and themes. This was a starting point.  Start was made somewhere in 2024 year. I wrote several programs. In terms of practice programming. And, something funny and cool. To have more fun for myself. So, this way, it is much more funny to do code. Somewhere, in winter, maybe. I sit in the evening. I drink a tea. And, I was writing a programs.

So, here are - three programs. Just run and watch. As soon as you get bored – close the window and that’s all. It is shown everything auto. Immediately. As intro or like video cassette. Launch and watch. Until you are getting bored.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.








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