Vi Aliens – 70 seconds for a level! They are here!


This time it is, already, prerelease version. It is 10 levels. About 70 seconds length. And 4 bosses and 1 megaboss. So, this means, that after some levels, it will be a boss. So, I add intros. Before game. With a  form of pictures. So, before start, it is shown some pictures. Something like, that you can see at Sega MegaDrive, Ms Dos. So, i`d do it too. And I have silhouette of alien and letter V Latin.

And levels themselves. Each level has its own series of space ships. And it`s own logic of moves. Total 15 logics, approximately. So, bosses they are not hard. But, one of them, in the middle – he is hard. Because of he moves random way, also, including corners. So, he can crash in player. And, this is point of difficulty. It is most hard one. Another - other they move with their own certain routes and player can easy to avoid them.

So, this is really cool! When, I play it for myself! I am rather happy about it! It is reminds, some shooter games! From 80s. From MSX 2 (KUVT2). Or from Nes or Sega. Some games!

Moves can be different. Straight line. Or little diagonal aside to the left or to the right. And, so, third way. It is when space ship moves to a certain point and do move aside and continue move froward. For example. About these variations, game is based on. Enemies are medium size, mainly. And, there are big and small. About small - it is harder to shoot at them!

 So, I, even, make them with less lives!  Three lasers for you. Second is stronger, and third it is strongest. Triple and side C. I give them a names. Digit I – it is number one with Latin, it restore health. Bonuses are going to appear about once in 15 seconds, in the main thing. And with first level - more time. And, always, you can wait for bonus you need! Restore health or some laser to take, some better thing!

Bonus system. Different enemies, approximately about 35. And different laser. Three things in total. Restore health. Different moves for space ships. Different visual for them. This is a content for this development.

Development about a space theme and space. Something based on 90s. And Ufo sausages. But, with my own form for all of these. Fantastic action. With lasers and space ships. Full made retro space shooter! About some unknown aliens!

Basic Pascal version 1.18 "Duckling" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Puddles at Countryside, Duckling Pseudo 3D, Road to Countryside, Duckling Goes 2D. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version. 

Basic Pascal:





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