Smile at the blue screen


Theme is like programmer`s error or make a smile and do programming. Positive theme. It is with blue screen. And, it is running little numbers 0 and 1. In a random way at the full screen. Just like, it is something like binary code. Random numbers. And, around them, yellow circle is running. With a smile and with eyes, little eyes. A funny face. With a funny little music. Like 8 bit. Or 16 bit or Ms Dos little music from funny arcade game. As, something like, maybe, it was in Commandeer Keen or Cosmo Cosmic. Blue screen with 0 and 1. And, also, it is little like Norton Commander or Volkov Commander. Do programming - it is fun!

Blue screen. And, some error in code. And, such a little smile. I remember, it was April 2023. And, it was, already, a spring. Sky is becoming bright and light. It is starts to be, again, so blue and joyful. And, after programming, I find out myself at the streets, one a moment it was. And, I look at the sky. And, I was surprised. And, I, almost, to see these - 0 and 1 – and a little smile at the sky!

So, this is a theme, for positive. Visual theme. just a little program. And, it goes with a retro funny little music. And smile. And, with a random way, it shows a numbers pack made out with 0 and 1. At the blue screen. A little program. As short clip. For a fun and joy. And, for a positive. Practice with programming with programming language Qb64. For a good mood. For a free time! Spring theme, early spring theme. Maybe, even like a first of April. A day of a fool. Funny celebration event!

So, except videogames, it is new idea to do programming of these visual themes. Intros. Something like, programmable intros. Intros. So, new theme opens in terms of practice programming with Qb64. And, to find something new. Videogames – for some moment - it was understanding – that programming videogames, it is very long time duration process. And, maybe, hard. And to try something new. To expand theme. And to try something funny.

And, still in theme of programming. And with a funny way too. By the interest. And, fast way. And, to try what else it can be. Visual theme. Backgrounds. Music. How to change a background. How to play music. Or to try something else. To do intros – it is so funny. And, with a simple form. It is faster, than a videogame. As, it seems, for me. And, it is, also, interesting!

Simple visual theme. With a form of a program. And, also, it is about a theme - relaxing from programming. And with programming. Not a matrix, that was a movie. And, another way. Blue screen as a sky. And, there, it is flying a smile. Little smile! Make little smile! Make a little smile! And, you need to smile too! And, also, it is some code there. Unexplained, of course. Some stream with 0 and 1.

And, retro! Retro type blue screens as with computers from 90s. So, it is a show of a file in a blue screen. And, it is, even, possible to write a text. So, it was lots of things to do with that blue screen.

And, also, it is one thing, I do not say - it is, also, a positive. And, positive, positive moving forward! Smile! Yellow circle! Which is smiling to you! Not a Pacman, of course. But, a yellow circle, which makes a smile to you. And moves. A little.

Make a little smile! Little smile! Make a smile!

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.







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