
Showing posts from December, 2024

Field and Windows 95 – waiting for summer 2025

  A dream moment. Moment of relax and positive. Moment of summer. It is to be at the countryside at your weekend. Carefree weekend. You can go to the field or better – To ride with the bicycle. And what can you see there? Field as a field! But, it is so great and cool! There are lots of grass and bugs! About this part of the field – I, already, write! And there is some new side of the field. It is well known to a computer fan, gamer, programmer, experienced pc user. It is about a thing, that it is like starting screen Windows 95. Sky. So blue. So computerized. Or wallpaper for Windows Xp field and sky. And similar kind of things.

Duckling goes 2D – big yellow duckling

  Little game, where duckling runs across the field. It has a side view. And he needs to jump over the obstacles. Little ducklings and pillars. You need to help him with this. And, in certain time, to press space. And duckling can to jump over the obstacles.

GVim – it looks like Windows 3.11 and it is a advanced text editor

  GVim – it is very interesting program. Code editor, text. With interface of style – retro under windows 3.11. And, something like, a program for a cool programmers! For those one, who is ready to jump into a rabbit`s hole!

Free Blocker – Abstract drawing about block

  For me, 16 colors make a reference with Basic and age of Ms Dos. So, these kind of games, they were there. From the very start age of Ms Dos. As Tetris, even, this thing is like something like a Tetris. But not sure a Tetris. Arcade, such, platformer. From a word – platform, as a main role. Here, it is a development with Free Basic. With a retro style.

Road to Countryside - Quest is done!

  Countryside and summer – what can be better for weekend? So, the same about a main hero of this videogame, he thinks the same! He is going to the countryside. He collects all his things, pack things and now, right now, he is going to countryside. He will take with himself a ball, which he likes to play. And will go. He closes the door. He takes on his favorite cap. He takes a place in a bus. He will buy a ticket for train. And he will find out himself at the countryside territory.

Different Basic – try different Basic

  So, year 2024 – for me, it is a year of Basic. I program only with it. And, mainly, I like a lot Basic. It is a positive. From the childhood days. In childhood, I see Kuvt 2 Msx 2 Basic. I see blue screen QBasic, or Quick Basic 4.5. As it is a childhood memories, so let it be this way. Microsoft Quick Basic 4.5, I am talking about. It was built in MS DOS. It was very comfortable and funny!

Road to countryside - about a countryside and a summer

  Summer. Such a good time. Sun. Excellent weather. There are lots of green around. Grass. And trees. There are lots of beautiful flowers. It is very beautiful and super positive time of the year! Especially, if to decide to go to countryside. And, at the countryside - there are lots of countryside things to do! There are forest and field, they are waiting for you! Waiting - and cannot wait! 

Cabin Pilot – Dynamics 8 bit!

  More drawing (arts) about case of release Basic Pascal version 1.17. So, there, exactly, it is place for a game Cabin Pilot. It is a shooter game. With a storyline like action movie. So, here, there is place for an action and a shooter. Almost, like two in one. And, this is, so, a game with 8 bit computers style. With minimal graphics. Action. You fly and shoot at everything. Almost, like 8 bit Top Gun. Well, almost. And, also, it is a science fiction. 

Road to field

  Summer memories. Fairytale and it is so real. All of these – are real. Summer 2024. It was excellent. Excellent summer season. I remember, how I ride the bicycle along the field. So, this is a narrow little road. There are lots of green around. Green color is making you feel calm. And, so, full of joy blue sky. And, there are silence or sounds of insects all around. Something like grasshoppers. Or, so, here – it is a road more wide. 

Road to countryside – let`s go to the countryside! First quest!

  Quest about a countryside. Small. Game with pictures. Search for items. About theme – summer and country house. You are going to countryside! To have a weekend! In your weekend! There is a summer and cool weather outside. Behind the window -birds are singing! And you are going to take with yourself your bag and your favorite ball. And let`s go to countryside! Game is about a positive summer memories!