GVim – it looks like Windows 3.11 and it is a advanced text editor


GVim – it is very interesting program. Code editor, text. With interface of style – retro under windows 3.11. And, something like, a program for a cool programmers! For those one, who is ready to jump into a rabbit`s hole!

Fist time, I give a try to use this program in 2023. But! But, once again - here it goes different – but words! Complicated! Hard to understand! Unknown! I want it, but I cannot to do this! Interesting, but too complicated! Give a try – something to understand, to learn. And, it not works for me, I failed. And, I take a decision to left it at the level of the idea. So, it was a year 2023 experience.

And, with this background, what a surprise I have. When in 2024, I find a programming language Free Basic. And they give you a compiler. Compile by yourself. And. write with code editor – the one you want.  So. this is a serious attitude. And, I decide – I have, already, give a try with GVim. I want this try again! And, with easy way, I roll into this theme. As a hedgehog I roll. At the most easy level. Write code. Commands, some easy of them. And everything is ok, it works for me! Yes, I need to read and learn, to dig a theme. But, everything works! And it is not looks hard for me! Level of difficulty was normal, very ok level! It was a very positive step!

To write a code from something like a text and compile by your own hands - it is so cool! And it is so cool to use such programs like GVim. There is also EMacs. But, I know nothing about it, except that such program exists. It is, also, as a code editor. Also, for a programmers. Also, it is a serious theme. And even, there are something like a conversations. At the level – what to select – GVim or Emacs.

GVim – it is very advanced editor for text or code. Very advanced. For me, it is something with the ideas of frontier as a Norton Commander for MS Dos. Or Volkov Commander for MS Dos. I am serious. So, it is a most simple way to understand about, that it is a very advanced soft. For a true programmers. And this is a thing of intelligence and habit to use such tools. So. from the first time, I guess, you cannot to start to use it easy. You will fail. In the end, I am for myself, use it at the simple level. Most minimum. File open, to go some place. Copy and paste strings. To compile! Fascinating! This GVim works with command line. So, straight from the GVim you can to compile! Or go to catalog with the help of MS Dos command. Class! It is, looks like, a program with unlimited capabilities.

Maybe, because of this kind of programs. Programmers looks like in a movies, as a super-humans. So, everything is flashing at the screen, then yes it is. So, it jumps a picture here. Programmer writes a command there. This makes a call for something else. So, everything is so bright! Lots of colorful text at the screen. Beautiful pictures. Lots of code fragments. By sides. By center – picture. And, this kind of way – it is shown as programmer. And, this is co cool and positive! I, even, think, it is true and it is like this! When, you have a knowledge and head works well! At this level – you still need to reach it! And all of these miracles and different colors – they are in your head! World is starting to bloom! So, with this I can to agree!

One more interesting thing, there is a Vim code editor. And, I use GVim. So, this is, also, a  standalone theme. And, I start, of course, with first impression. It is, of course, a visual side. It, looks, someway, close to some retro. GVim interface makes a surprise on me. It is so black and white. White background. As, it looks for me. Some little pictures at the top. Points of menus. As Windows 3.1 or windows 3.11, it is first things, that came into my head! And I like it! Beautiful interface! This visual side, it is, also, a valuable!

And next, even, more – lots of capabilities for a syntax. Syntax support. Even, Free Basic, I can find there! Wow! But, you need to search it for yourself and select settings for yourself. Once again, before this, I write in Visual Studio – and, something, I never think about compile, about syntax, light some keywords method. Everything is works automatic there for me. 

And, also, a dig – it is very hard and complicated! And, I am as Alice from Wonderland. I touch the mystery. So, these example of feelings from using GVim. For this points, I like a program! I. just. still waits to meet in this program – a rabbit! Kind and funny one!

iron (hardware) and programs. From time to time i restore computers, retro computers. Try retro soft. Check some programs. And write about all of these.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.

WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html 

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