Different Basic – try different Basic


So, year 2024 – for me, it is a year of Basic. I program only with it. And, mainly, I like a lot Basic. It is a positive. From the childhood days. In childhood, I see Kuvt 2 Msx 2 Basic. I see blue screen QBasic, or Quick Basic 4.5. As it is a childhood memories, so let it be this way. Microsoft Quick Basic 4.5, I am talking about. It was built in MS DOS. It was very comfortable and funny!

And, in 2024, I am, again, with Basic. Now, speaking the true, I am programming with modern dialect -QB64, mainly. Modern version of Basic. It is most common use form of Basic for me. I write with it most of programs. It is modern, it works with modern computers, it is supported by developer. Mainly, it is modern and new version. And, main, – that by it has a special visual side – it is same Basic from MS DOS from the past. Which means so a lot for me. It is, Also, a valuable feature.

And, in 2024 I become more brave. About Basic question. And, start to try different Basics. First of all, those who are actual. So. this means, they work with modern systems, for them they are written. And they are supported by their authors. More or less, they have new versions. I get experience with usage of several Basic dialects. So, this is like some different realization of this programming language, these ideas Basic programming. Experience was even positive!

It is about two dialects of Basic. First - BBC Basic for SDL2. And second – it is Free Basic.

BBC Basic for SDL2




I start from the beginning. BBC Basic for SDL2 – it is a very interesting thing. Hard to say another way. Basics, are, of course, similar to each other. About the level of main ideas. And realization can be very different. So, here are lots of different with QB64. There are enough of different things, I need to say – it is quite different.

Anyway, BBC Basic, as I understand, it takes it`s roots with 8 bit computer BBC Micro or something like that. So, this is about more or less about programming style 80s. As with some kind of Spectrum. And there are lots of Basic forms. There are – where you need to give a number to every line. So, this means, that every command has its number. Amazing and new experience for me!

And, this Basic form has two interfaces, just from the beginning - two interfaces you have. So, this is about - it has two programs inside of it– you write code and launch, from them. Its own development environment.  Straight with this Basic itself. Two environments for you selection. You run this Basic and select one environment out of two for your choice.

First environment looks very beautiful. It is very stylish. In dark tones. Beautiful and stylish. Second environment looks like casual window. White background. Casual windows window. As windows 3.11 ort just a windows window. By the way, second one can do exe file.

First environment has a name - Andy Parker`s BBC Edit, second environment - Richard Russell`s SDLIDE. So, BBC Basic - it is something like a program, and you run it and you are being asked – about what ide you will use. Everything goes as one with BBC Basic. Nothing from aside you do not need to install. And this is comfortable! And for novice. And for just to program with basic.

I write code and run it from first environment. And exe I do using second environment. From a good side of this Basic - I say about a good documentation for this Basic. There are lots of information, at website. Even more - it has a very friendly way of reading it. And you can to learn about commands and their features. Documentation is done here very cool! So, I from the first attempt can do get ideas and use it. How to write programs here.

For example, here command for colors writes as COLOUR, instead of casual COLOR.

Or procedure is writing next form

DEF PROCmyprocedure

Procedure code


And, there are lots of such things! It is retro Basic. It is interesting dialect. Which is rather different from casual and well known QB64 or Free Basic. For those, who have some interest! Very cool thing!


Free Basic



Second Basic. It is Free Basic. I think, it is well known theme. I don know, even, and, maybe, it is true, or not, it is more popular, then a QB64. Cool thing. Some way, it is, rather, close as a result QB64 and Free Basic. But they have a difference too.

Free Basic does not suggest you development environment or text editor. In its standard form. You are using it with some text editor, as a wise man. And, you run with hands. Compile your program with command line. It has interesting feature. I, first here, try code editor GVim. It is first successful expirience of GVim for me. First makefile, most simple one, of course. So, this Basic can be similar to QB64, but, anyway, it makes some surprises! With a positive side. All the time, there is a place for something new, as someone can say!

Here, taking into account, that there are some close points. It is a big value, anyway, tor remember, that QB64 and Free Basic – they are different. To have not be surprised, when you don’t want any unknown things to happen. Each one with its own moments. But, both of them are cool and modern forms of Basic. Which can be recommended for first invitation, well, like this. I am about a programming language itself. Not taking into account development environment.

It is very popular Basic form. It is main. It is very good Basic. Rather close to QB64. It is comfortable! It is first, that you understand, when you use Free Basic for writing programs.

First of all, I write some test program. I show a text at the screen, I draw little squares. Something like graphics. Graph at the column. It works! And, even, without any serious problems! So, this means, that it is a cool Basic. It helps a lot, that it is similar to QB64. More close, than BBC Basic.

But, saying the truth, here you need to use text editor. For yourself. But, it is a good step in self progress. If QB64 suggests, already, a development environment. And, here – it is up to you. So, think about this for yourself. It is cool! Later to learn how to compile. Create make file. It is, also, not so hard here and good for self-progress! Serious thing - this is Free Basic.

You can compile with hands. And you can to make a special little file. So, it has a name -make file. To run everything from it. A required command compilation. For example, for my game Free Block – text for make file is next.

File makefile


                fbc64 FreeBlocker.bas Global.bas Block.bas Player.bas Game.bas Level.bas Gameplay.bas Menu.bas

So, it, already, has a command for compilation. For first invitation in theme of compilation – it is, rather, easy and easy to understand!

And, next, you just write from the console !make

And, in other case, you need to write a long command for compilation, everytime. Interesting new experience! And, it is not so hard! But, of course, it requires some time – to read, to try, to make some experiment.

So, compilation in easy form – looks like, it is not so scary thing. It is, also, easy to see. Name of compile tool, main file and different files, you need and, that`s all. For example, it looks like, this is, I can say, about it, in easy form. It is, also, a little of positive!

It is comfortable to use Free Basic to learn such things. So, we have a combination here, already, a picture of things. Qb64 - it has, already, made for you development environment. Everything out of program is making.  And, later, to have more complex and interesting, when you, already, have experience. It is Free Basic. You select by yourself development environment. You compile by yourself, you make a makefile. Interesting and positive experience.

By the way, I remember a story from school days. Some older school boy once asked someone – “And what? Do you have installed a compile tool?” And, I was a school boy in those days, and, even, do not know about these things. I only played in games. So, this moment is now for me! So, I can say, it is a first step in usage.

With Free Basic it is little difference a way you make a sound. There is nothing like it is in Qb64. In QB64 you, already, have installed functions, and just to give a path to file and play it. With music or sound. With Free Basic it is different. It is example of some difference. There is no some analog of command from Qb64.

With Qb64 you have a easy to use commands for playing sounds and music - _SndPlay, _SndPlaying, for example. With Free Basic you do not have these things. So, some difference things you will see!

So, these are two new for me dialects of Basic, I make a discovery of them! Basic – it is cool! I am so happy, that I can to program with programming language Basic!

iron (hardware) and programs. From time to time i restore computers, retro computers. Try retro soft. Check some programs. And write about all of these.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.

WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html 

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