Road to field


Summer memories. Fairytale and it is so real. All of these – are real. Summer 2024. It was excellent. Excellent summer season. I remember, how I ride the bicycle along the field. So, this is a narrow little road. There are lots of green around. Green color is making you feel calm. And, so, full of joy blue sky. And, there are silence or sounds of insects all around. Something like grasshoppers. Or, so, here – it is a road more wide. 

So, here even a car can go. And, I am, again, with a bicycle. And, field - it is, so, huge! It is a whole world. Whole world like asteroid. And, that things have only a countryside and a field. Excellent place for a summer free time! Excellent place for weekend!

When I was riding with a bicycle. Anyway, it is a physical load. You can to have a rest time, and a go closer to a grass. And, grass is so different. High. There are growing there some flowers. I, even do not know their names. And, look at all of these things. And, it is, so, bright little sun all around! And, excellent summer weather!

And, next I move to another place – and, there, already, I can see little river down below. Water is so dark. And, again, all around is grown up with a grass. So, you cannot go to that place so easily. Also, you need, even, to get down there, to get down with a rather big angle. You are something like at the top of the hill. And, little river,- down below. And, the most low level. So, you need to go to that place! Once again, it is a very good physical training for a citizen.

Bicycle – it is a good thing. Now, I understand, that for a countryside it is a very useful thing, highly recommended. And distance is so big, to walk there by your own. So, you get on the bicycle and ride across the field. And, it is huge. Without bicycle you cannot go far.

And, there are lots of interesting in the field! And, only bicycle can help you to see all of these! Most different grass. Flowers. Little river. And everything is so different. So, here little road is make a turn. There is a flow of a river. With such mysterious dark water. Where little river goes? With this question, I am still asking myself, since I was a school boy. And, I still ask myself – a what place little river goes? I am very interesting to know this thing!

Most different grass and plants along the road. Of course, grass is so high. And, I hesitate to go into the filed, as a casual walk! There are a holes. And, there are there lots of grass. And, who knows, what else can be there! I walk only by the little road. And, I watch at all of these green things!

Some high plants and flowers are attracting your view. And you can make a stop and watch at them. White flowers. And, so, high thing is growing. And next – something another new is growing. Big variation in a field. And, all of these, - it is near you, everyday! Amazing place is this field!

Road to the field – it is excellent walk. For a country house. You can see lots of interesting and green! Green plants, already, are waiting for a new countryside season. I am sure about this. It is so fascinating, how all these grass is growing up, again, every year! So, looks like, it is another thing coming – that every year – it is a new field. And, at the same time, – it is a same field! It is amazing thing!

Grass, grass is so green. And, this is main. Good weather. Blue sky and green grass. And, yes, of course, there lots of little flowers in the field. They are growing there. They are growing and enjoy the life.

So, brother, once, said to me, that plants, they are something like have a roots. And, top side of them just fall down. And, roots - they are ok. And, after the winter. Everything out of roots starts to rise again, and in the result – it is a new plant and at the same time - same plant! It is, so a countryside magic! Magic of the summer!

Especially, about these things, it was a big surprise for me, about a little flower with a name Golden Ball. It is like, it happens every season, and for a lots of years. And, it is so high, at the end of the summer, it is very high. And such orange thing at the top – it is a flower itself. Big and beautiful. And, in the end of a summer season – it is everything a fall down to ground level. And, you cannot see no more such a green little tree. And, one more, - they are growing not as a one plant and as a group of plants. So, this is a spectacular! They select for themselves a good place at the countryside place.

And, in a field - it is so a chaos – what and who growing different place! Where he wants – and, at that place he is growing up! So, plants do a things! This is here. And that is there! Field, of course, it is an amazing place! Such chaos and order case, at the same time. Whole planet. There are planets, galaxies. But, these are the plants and grass. So, I wait, again, when I can to see them! And, be there, once again!

Road to the field – it is a point, that it is very good to remember, keeping memory! There are trees, here are grass. A little further - it is a little river. Or field. Huge field. Which goes, somewhere, beyond the horizon. Long road. And hot weather.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.







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