Road to countryside - about a countryside and a summer


Summer. Such a good time. Sun. Excellent weather. There are lots of green around. Grass. And trees. There are lots of beautiful flowers. It is very beautiful and super positive time of the year! Especially, if to decide to go to countryside. And, at the countryside - there are lots of countryside things to do! There are forest and field, they are waiting for you! Waiting - and cannot wait! 

And, also, there are river and a lake! You can go to a swamp, it is so green and it is, also, an interesting place! It happens, that everything is grown up with grass at the countryside place. And, it happens, that there are not too much grass there. So, there are lots of things to do at the countryside place!

And, this is a game about a countryside! About a road to the countryside. About a positive mood. With a form of point and click quest. There are pictures. And, you click at the objects at the picture. You need to find a certain items. And click at them. And, this way you will go to next picture. There will be little of text with description of a picture and what you need to do!

And you are at first scene, for example. It is your room. And here before you - there is table, chair, bed. Some books are here. And, you need to take ball, bag, and keys. You need to find this items using mouse, and as you find – do a mouse click. At this moment - you see a text at the top. You take item! You take keys. For example.

Visual side of the game – it is retro style. Ms Dos. Something like, CGA graphics, 16 colors. Everything is drawn with primitives, such as circle, square, line. And painted with a certain color.

Today, all game is programmed at the level of gameplay itself. It is 19 game scenes. At them you need to find, in a middle value, three items. To move next. Sometimes, one item. And, everything is drawn. But in main idea view. So, it is still ahead to draw the details. There is no details at the pictures. So, I continue to draw. To make picture better!

There are 19 game scenes in game. About how you are going to a countryside. You take keys, all the things. Go to bus. Ride by train. In train you listen player. While train goes.

Road - it is a big thing. It is long time process. And it requires some patience. So, you are listening music in the road. With your cassette player. You have a cassettes with rock and pop music. And you can to select what you will to listen. So, you are going by train and listen player! Beautiful! You move cassette this and that!

Later, you go to a station and go by forest. There you collect beautiful little flowers, even, a bug to take with yourself. Later, you put little flowers at your countryside place. And, let bug to run at your place!

Next, you go by field. And, also, collect little flowers. Later, you go across country houses. And collect useful items. For example, gear. So, it is a quest. To click mouse you need, and to read what to do next.

It is a new theme for a game - quest. Work with mouse. It is programming with well known programming language QB64. It is everything done good there. And there are no problems. Built in functions.

So, I want to share my own countryside memories too. So, I remember, I go by train and listen player. Alice Cooper, for example. Several times I listen an album during road to the countryside, And same thing for road back – to the city.

Or you go by country place, and there - it is was a little raining, few moments ago. And now - there is no rain. But it was few seconds before. And, all grass is in water. It is also a cool thing! Everything is so refreshing!

Basic Pascal version 1.17 "BLOCK" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Platform Ball, Cabin Pilot, Free Blocker, Free Bee. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version. 

Basic Pascal:




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