
Showing posts from November, 2024

Platform Ball- retro art

  Platform Ball – it is a game about a throwing a little ball in wall. Such a funny things to do. Style of full retro. So, it is like, it is from style of computers 80s. Approximately. So, everything runs with modern computers. It is, such a stylization about a retro.

Music exercises – course at three hours

  Rather long time, there were no news about music exercises. By different reasons. First of all, there were no nothing positive. There was no positive movement. So, for some time, it was all time, with some minimum level. Very low. Even to write about it. And even more - to play something. Even, if this something, it is something really stupid. So, it was no some positive result. So, I, even, start to think, that music things are going rather – like a dead end. 

Duckling Pseudo 3D – big and small duckling

  It is full of joy summer all around! And funny joyful duckling is having fun about every summer day he has! So, little raining is over and it is ok to run into the field again. Field can be so different. And, there are so many different grass in it. Grass and bush. Field is green, field is with little of water. Almost, swamp place or shallow little river. More sand, more black color of soil with stones and this can happens too.  And, of course, a main place – it is a field, which has a lots of green. 

Duckling Pseudo 3D – by field and shallow river

  Game is about joyful duckling, which is running across the field. So, big and yellow duckling, which runs by the field. It shakes with little wings. And, one thing, he does not doing here - it is jumps. And he runs forward and collects little coins. Such little circles, and they have a drawing with little duckling! Game is about to collect scores. And for free time and good mood. Theme of a good and kind animals, one more time!

Fragments of autumn – yellow color

  Autumn - it is yellow color. Excellent sigh of autumn – it is yellow little leaf. And color - it is yellow. Start of autumn is warm and good positive time. Leaves are starting to be yellow slowly. Tress are changing their colors. Everything is going not fast. World is changing. From one week to another one. And so good when everything is so warm. You are walking, simply, walking here and there, and observe this as a viewer. It is yellow autumn. Yellow color. During autumn – it is very common color.

Puddles at the countryside – after the little rain

  Game is about a courtside and summer! You are going for a walk at the countryside. After the little raining. Lots of puddles. And you need to bypass them. Screen is moving by itself. And you are free to move across the screen. It is like runner. But it is not hard. And for free time! And theme for a countryside! And little summer rain! Game is made with several colors, with the spirit of Cga. Something like isometrical.

Fragments of autumn

I want to share with my photo walks. In a first days of October.  Autumn is very warm. And, it was, rather, warm. And, rather, beautiful. And, still, lots of green everywhere around. And, this is very positive for the eyes, it gives joy and positive. But, there are, already, a yellow leaves. And, this point adds some beautiful to the world around.

Basic Pascal version 1.17 “Block” - Block after block, little cube after little cube!

  31 October 2024 year, it is, again, to happen a little celebration! Yesterday, just yesterday, it was a Halloween. And, it is nice to watch a horror movie. Such a celebration to remember about a vhs cassette or creepy game. And, today, – it is new day – at the exam, like it is a celebration. It is, already, more positive. Day of knowledge. Day of programming. Day of release a new version!

Summer sunny purple little positive! Deep Purple - =1

  This summer it happens a valuable music event.  It was a release of a new Deep Purple`s album. Album has a title =1. Maybe, it is not cool title. And not the cool frontcover. As for me, title and a frontcover – full failed point. And album itself – super cool and exciting! It is a thing I need about a sound! Musicians themselves writes - that it has a most powerful 70s inside. 

Trucks and road at the evening. Black Sabbath -TYR

  So, in July I was listening a disk Black Sabbath – TYR. Tony Iommi, is there, guitar. And singer Tony Martin. So, how cool, they do a rock music, they cool with writing music style of 80s. The same rock, I like the most! Excellent rock 80s!