Fragments of autumn – yellow color


Autumn - it is yellow color. Excellent sigh of autumn – it is yellow little leaf. And color - it is yellow. Start of autumn is warm and good positive time. Leaves are starting to be yellow slowly. Tress are changing their colors. Everything is going not fast. World is changing. From one week to another one. And so good when everything is so warm. You are walking, simply, walking here and there, and observe this as a viewer. It is yellow autumn. Yellow color. During autumn – it is very common color.

Today, I am watching the trees! Yes, leaves – it is very valuable moment of autumn – most beautiful. But, today, mainly, I look at the trees. Their height and their color. And their form. I am observer, viewer. After I landed at the planet with the name early autumn. Yellow planet.

Autumn - it is very beautiful! And I decide to put these fragments of autumn in a yellow frame. To make value of a yellow color even more. And peak of yellow color. In early autumn. It is first week of October. It is warm October. There is no balance in this world. There is a big movement into yellow side. So, it is a thing, you can see from the very beginning, at first view. And first expectations don’t lie to you!

One more dive. To look closer at the trees. Their color. And texture. These are trees. They are so different. During summer, I have never seen thing like this. It is some amazing country. At first view. Interesting, is not here a place for some problems and tricks? So, looks like there is no negative effects! So, things you see, they are real, it is, simply, autumn. And, yellow color. Here, it is main thing.

Trees are here everywhere. You are in a magic yellow forest. Where it is autumn. So warm and comfortable autumn. And you go and go. Looks like, forest is endless. Trees are everywhere. These and like these. Different. Similar and not similar. So, it is easy to be lost here. This place, it is good to continue to explore. But, to be carefully – so, it is easy to be lost here. To be lost in this fragment of autumn. In this forest. Amongst the trees. And walk and walk!

They are trees. They are so valuable here. As a leaves. Trees are high. And you can see them from a distance. And leaves - they are only at the down side. But, sometimes, they cover everything around.

So, this exit to some remarkable high tree. How it grows! Look at this. It is very beautiful! And it is growing, like that. I guess, this tree plays a role of lighthouse here. Or something like that. As in racing games, some check point. Key place. I go closer to this tree. And stay near it in a thoughtfully way. So here for some time. I don’t remember how much time pass by. And, after, I go someplace next.  And from a distance from this tree.

And, so, I walk though these autumn forest. Looks like, saying a word, I become sorcerer for myself. And everything is so bright and colorful here. Just like, it is a fantasy tale. And, so far, looks like, it is, already, a casual world. Some car. Looks like, I find an exit to normal space!

It was fragment of autumn. Yellow color. Forest out of leaves. Amazing place! If I to find it again, then I with a joy visit it one more time. It is so calm there. And everything is so interesting!

Playing little games. From time to time i like to play videogames. And write about it. 

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






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