Platform Ball- retro art


Platform Ball – it is a game about a throwing a little ball in wall. Such a funny things to do. Style of full retro. So, it is like, it is from style of computers 80s. Approximately. So, everything runs with modern computers. It is, such a stylization about a retro.

And, so, you are throwing a little ball in the bricks. And gain scores for this. You need to catch a ball, while it going backwards. It is, also, a valuable thing!

And, so, for game, there are prepared a pictures. Arts. They are, something like, made based on game screenshots. But, little modified. To be look interesting on a picture.

Magical 80s. Computers with specific graphics. More like, it is made with some primitives. With lines, cubes, squares. Circle – it is, also, a complex figure, by the way. And, also, a selection with several colors. So, with something like this, you will have a things in this game.

I remember, that some old computers, also, can do a noise as a refrigerator. Something like, I have 486DX2. He, is so big, about a metal case, and make a noise. And, also, I remember a green glow from monitor KKUVT2 (MSX2). Such a monitor with green color. And, it has a shades of green! And, also, it was a orange same kind monitor. It is your choice – what color to select. Green or orange.

And, here it is, with style retro. 80s. Computers of those times are in my head. And colorful graphics. All works dynamically. And smooth! Just have a time to catch a ball, and -  gain scores! Game has several levels. Game is more for free time. Rather than hardcore. There is nothing difficult in it.

Remark, about some game feature. About control. Throw a ball you can to the left, right or center. With buttons A, S, D or Z, X, C. It is  - left-center-right to throw a ball. And, first or second variation of buttons – it is about how do you want. Both variations work!

Game, already, in release. And, this is, one more point to mention about a game. It is something arts. Drawings. Just imagine for yourself, all game is made with rectangles and circles! Geometry figures. Movement. Background is black for contrast.

Basic Pascal version 1.17 "BLOCK" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Platform Ball, Cabin Pilot, Free Blocker, Free Bee. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

Game`s webpage -

Basic Pascal:




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