B Ball – celebration rectangles!


This is arcade game, very retro. About a ball and rectangles. Which are colorful, add this point too.  And you shoot at them, something like this. And get a score after this. So, here it is everything is very colorful. And there are two skills you can train. Skill sharp shooter and skill destroyer.

At the down part of screen – it is player. It is something like ball to throw. Or saying correct – some little square. And, little square fast fly and smash some rectangle. And all around it is getting colorful. So, there is animation. As ball touch the rectangle. Different things are thrown to different sides. As a celebration. firework.

And, you need to hit those platforms at the up side. And get score after this. It is standard part of the game. But, there are here two skills you gain! It is skill sharp shooter and destroyer. First you get you if you hit certain in a part of the block. Each rectangle, same as block, consists with different colors. 4 parts with 25 pixels by size. With space with 1 pixel between them. And result size of the block – it is 103 pixels.

So, if you hit with accuracy in a part block. Which has its own color and size 25. So, this way you gain +1 to skill sharp shooter. It is little secret. Everything is placed by formula. And, you, simply, make a calculation. So, you go extremely left. To the left corner. And shoot, and gain +1 sharp shooter. Now, move with 26 pixels right and shoot. And, again, you get +1 sharp shooter.

Second skill - it is skill destroyer. You gain that skill if you hit in terms of block - with two parts of the block. Take into account, that blocks are made with different colors, 4 colors. It is 4 consist parts. Make aiming with the idea to hit with little cube - two such parts at once. Two any colors. And you gain +1 destroyer. This skill is easier to get! It works in terms of one block.

About something interesting, here we have colorful blocks. Each block with 4 colors. It is, all the time, it is generating a new color. And, when you hit – so, you get animation fireworks. This is for have more fun.

New interface. With such frame. Style of Star Trek Next Generations. But, it is, I made myself way, of course. Different from those.

It is here presents a new control. With arrows left and right – you move with 1 pixel left and right. And, also, there is  < and >. They move at 50 pixels at once! And, also, – [ and ]. They move with 25 pixels! So, you can move with accuracy, with one pixel. Pixel by pixel. And, you can fast move by screen!

And, in other things, it is standard game about a ball, which smash platforms and gain scores! I, again, return to programming with BBC Basic for SDL2.0. And, I take as a base a first game with this programming language. This is, I am talking about Platform Ball. Here it is same style. But improved. More colors. More screen resolution. Here I use mode 8. And 16 colors. And screen is big 1280 with 1024. So, it is, also, interesting to practice with BBC Basic for SDL2.0.

Idea for this game – it was since development Platform Ball. But, in that time, it was a first game with B B C Basic for SDL2.0, and I decide to make it not complex. And in my head, it was, already, a picture. With so colorful little cubes. And, everything, is flying in different sides. Different colors. And some dynamics.

Word B Ball. B - it is after BBC Basic for SDL2.0. And, ball it is central part of the game. It is flying and smash platforms. It is, also, interesting type of the game. It was a very popular sometime ago – Arkanoid. At NES it was, at MS DOS. And with 8 bit computers different, as MSX, for example. It was very popular theme ages ago. In the end of 80s and beginning 90s. So now, I can to do something my own this way!

Have your excellent Basic day!

Basic Pascal version 1.18 "Duckling" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Puddles at Countryside, Duckling Pseudo 3D, Road to Countryside, Duckling Goes 2D. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version. 

Basic Pascal: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/games/basicpascal/index_eng.html

Website: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html

Itchio: https://dimalink.itch.io/basic-pascal



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