Little mouse – near by friend


Three dimensional scene for today. About good and kind animals. They are my good friends. So, now, while it is going, a winter little mouse is sleeping. And, in the summer, mouse will wake up and start to run! Little mouse, again, comes as a friend. From a big field to my place comes a grass mouse.

Little mouse is very fast creature. Mouse runs all the time.  For several time, mouse comes and runaway. And, only, after this mouse speaks – “Hello!”

Later, mouse runaway again into the grass. And runs at the little field, already, with little cup.

“Let`s drink a tea!”, - little mouse speaks.

Little mouse has a certain little cup. With red berries. Such a drawing at the cup.

“This is my favorite little cup!”,  - speaks little mouse.

And, well, little mouse has lots of little houses in the grass. And lots of things to do. Little mouse, also, does lots of thing in the vegetable garden. Little mouse likes a lot flowers. As a mole. By the way, mainly, little mouse is living in the garden. Amongst the high grass and most different flowers. In compare with mole, little mouse is living at the surface. And little mouse can build a little house from a wood. Somewhere in a shadows of a big tree. Or in a high grass. It is best place! So, it can happens, often, that you cannot to find a mouse house at first time!

And, you know, little mouse invites you for a tea! And you forget how to go to that place. Little house is always little hidden from a curious eyes. So, this is a little mouse!

Well, little mouse has a very delicious tea. With berries and flowers. Flower tea. With berries. There is even gooseberry. Mouse can grow it. It is so yellow. Delicious.

Little mouse in compare with mole, prefer second part of the day. Mouse appears as the evening begins. Mouse runs and runs. Mouse doing lots of things all the time. And, only, after, that mouse goes as a friend to near by friends. To see them.

Little mouse likes a lot to drink a tea at the evening. When it is most summer! And it is still warm. There are grasshoppers in the grass. At the bench mouse jumps. With a little cup of tea. And eats gooseberry. And watch the start of the evening. It is 4 o’clock of the day. Or 6 o’clock in the evening. Still sit and  watch the sky. It happens, that sunset begin earlier or later. But, little mouse, anyway, sits and watch. Drinks a tea. And eats gooseberry!

And, for winter, little mouse goes into a sleep. For all the winter long. And, when little mouse wakes up everything is new and interesting! And, it is, at once, so good to do lots of things and run fast! So, this is a little mouse!

So, if someone rustle in a grass. And makes a noise and sawing. Works with the wood. So, it is should to be little mouse. You nearby friend. Mouse builds a house. Do repair. Expanse place. All the time, mouse is with some things to do. And, mouse sits in a grass and have some rest. So, this way, you can a guess, that your nearby friend doing some building!


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