Hearts in Beta - Overnight (2023, EP) – into the night city, into the city of future


Night. Again, night. City. It is around you, it is so mysterious ocean. Seaside. Such a picture for a frontcover. Future. Or, in a car during the road to some place, at the day or evening. Maybe, at night. I listen retrowave during the road from the countryside, or to the countryside. So, this way, I open, again, the genre for myself. At home, I listen during weekends. This is one more open of the genre for me. Again, EP. Extended Play. And let`s take a ride. By the way, here – five tracks. I notice, that by five tracks EP`s. Well, maybe, it is just coincidence. Allright, let`s go, that`s for sure, right now!

We are diving here in a rhythmic electronic music. Drums. But, not evil. And, straight, and rhythmical. New side of drums tech. Drum machine, maybe. And synthesizers. Whole avalanche of synthesizers. Rhythmical and interesting. It draws in a new universe. 80s and retro future. Just like retro, and, at the same time, it is a future. As 80s, but, at the same time, a future too.

First track. Escape The Night. Slow track. But, at the same time, with some drive. And, with a style, that’s for sure. All night long, you can listen this track. There is a melody. With the high notes it goes. Sounds beautiful! It is a beautiful night in the city, what a night, anyway! Night city. A little of mysterious and something mystical. We try to escape the night. And, our adventure into the world of music just begins! Straight drums will help us with this point. And synthesizers will charm us. This is a sorcery!  Such a mystery of sound! Melody, by the way, it is beautiful here. It sounds, the way like you are home, or sounds from a home town. And, so, well known, melody. And synthesizers. It is a cool theme!

                                                    Hearts in Beta - Overnight (2023, EP)

Some Kind of a City. Wow! We reach some place, so we ride, and find out ourselves in a city! In a new place! Signals something at the start goes. We receive a broadcast. Will you go with me? Voice, we hear a voice. Maybe, it is, some, fragment from a movie. And, here, also, there is more voice. A fragments with the voice. Interesting solution. And, such a signals, something like, funny sounds. Looks like, some mechanism. And rhythmics. So cool rhythm part! With synthesizers. They are not evil, and most interesting. And not fast. Rhythm here plays a big role! It does not goes for a second plan. And, it goes with the melody, together. Sounds, some sounds like echo.  They are on repeat. Some city. New adventure! Night and adventure in a world of music! Maybe, in universe, even, in universe. In space. But we are yet in city. Beautiful night environment. Good night! Even, so, dreamway and, so, long. And, so, rhythmical.

Early Hours. 03. Early Hours (ft. Lisa Marie Perkins). This is early hours. Early hour. Looks like, it is night. Deep night. 1 am. Or 2 am. Early hours. And, maybe, it is, already, everything is going to sunrise. 4 or 6 morning. Yes, no one interrupt you, or say, that it is wrong, if you will listen during the day with most good and positive summer day. It is, also, goes cool!

Rhythmics. Rhythm is so straight here. Yes, this is something about 80s. Such type of a rhythm. Wow, cool! Melody is so inconspicuous. When it starts – I do not remember. But, I catch some idea, that I, already, listening this melody for some time. Early hours.  I, already, relaxed enough. And, swim, dive. In the city. For a certain reason, not in vain, - front cover with the ocean picture. And a futuristic boat. Or car.

Wow! And, this is a song! Unexpected! Night surprise! This is a song! Good retro wave in a song. Thoughtful. Dream way. Slow tempo rhythm. Wow! I, always, know, that to be slow – it is so cool. So, everything is so slowed and not fast. But, with some rhythm, at the same time. It does not give you to fall asleep. Atmosphere of the night.

To the end, again, it goes melodies, melodies. Retrowave has some cool this kind melodies! And, at the very end – it is, again, almost silence. Synthesizer`s single keys. Yes, it was cool. Fabulous hours!

04. Memory – Waves.  These words, a voice speaks with us. It is beautiful. Drum rhythm changing. It is, also, straight. It is, also, not fast. But it is new. And, a new melody. This time, it is, that’s for sure, it is dream way and cosmic one. But, we are in a night city. No need to have such a hurry to move in space. But, this is, also, possible with this music.

Wave style, maybe, a kind of melody. Like you are moving by waves. Not in vain, front cover has like ocean picture and you swim or ride by it. Beautiful melody! Breathtaking melody. With a slow tempo. And, so, super exciting. Enchanting. And, so, positive! So, this is a cool melody with slow tempo. It was exciting! A thing you really need! Memory. Night. Waves. Melodies. And a rhythm – helps you not to fall asleep. And to move forward.

To the end, again, cool kind of drums. Excellent record! This is a thing, I want to say!

Arrival. 05. Arrival 2085. Looks like, every travel has its own destination, its own end. Or night is going to the end. Sunrise. So, reddish, it is, already. Or, maybe, you, already, get to place, and road is behind. Or, well, it is just a final track. Arrival. We are moving to some point. So, here it is a movement. Future. Maybe. Super-techno computer future. Last track for this night. Rhythm is goes rather normal. And, once again, you don’t take it, but, melody is going too. Unnoticed way, melody is going here. And, next point, you listen this melody, not a rhythm. Well, say it - it is made very exciting way. And, rhythm, you can hear good, and, there is a melody. And, there is something saxophone here. So, now, that’s for sure, we reach the destination point with a positive!

There are here a photos from end of summer season. From countryside season. It is, already, dark, when you go to the city. Everything is so colorful. And dark. And lots of colors in a night city. Almost, like front cover. Countryside season 2024 was excellent. And, road to the city, it is, so, fantastic, in the end of countryside season, when it is, already, dark in the evening.

Music listener. From time to time i like to listen to the music. And write about it.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.

WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html 

ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/


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