Free Linear Space – funny bugs in space


Space shooter with vertical orientation. As a simple 8 bit, something like with Nes or 8 bit computers. Like MSX, for example. Before your eyes - a black space. Space tunnel. And, you are flying in it with a big speed. All around you, some light lines are rush with a big speed. They are not dangerous for you. It is a visual effect for background as speed effect.

Free linear space – vertical shooter. You fly in space and shoot in everything.

It is a game based on Free Blocker. With programming language Free Basic and Vim Editor. As idea, Free Blocker, I want to make as this game. But, that game was about a cubes, in result. And, this one, is a certain vertical shooter.

As a main figure here – it is, already, a circle. You are a circle too. Your enemies are circles too. And, they are, looks like, some funny things. Or, insects, maybe. As Galaga or Galaxian. Maybe!

So, you are green color. You fly with such a funny thing. As a rocket or something funny. Maybe, it is, also, some bug. And, all around you, enemies are red color. Or bright pink. And, lots of them! They are like bugs or space ships. It is 8 bit something graphics, and, that’s why everything is schematical. And you can use your imagination.

Shooting will be as a laser beam. It is such a long beam of certain color for full screen. And, it works for some time. It is a new moment for a game. No casual bullets or rockets. And, beam at once, which has a duration time of work.

To compare with Free Blocker, game field is wider. But, it is, also, a more of graphics and drawing. And, animation of background exists. Yes, and dynamics is smoother than a grid cell move.

Vertical shooters – it is, also, interesting subgenre of space shooters. Also, about a space or somethingscience fiction, fantastic or funny. Game has a certain name – linear cosmos, linear space. And you move in it forward.

Enemies are with circle form. And, something like, bugs or space ships. As Galaga or Galaxian. And space game, about good and kind bugs. Space ships too. There are big enemies in this game. As boss. Big size. It is, also, something new!

For a long time, I want to make a funny space game, 8 bit something. About some funny things in space. Funny vertical shooter.

Right now, I am doing – make a game details, and of course - the thing I like – drawing! I draw with Free Basic. Circles. And create enemies. What they will look like! I am drawing. And this is a start of development.

Basic Pascal version 1.17 "BLOCK" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Platform Ball, Cabin Pilot, Free Blocker, Free Bee. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version. 

Basic Pascal:




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