Free Linear Space – bug, caterpillar, ant and Ufo sausage


Medium tempo vertical shooter. With fast tempo - it is going ahead one more title some other time! And, medium tempo, according my terms. You are flying with something. And you can to select from approximately 15 types. Rocket, little plane, Something else like space ship. And, lots of bugs at your selection. Insects. Yes, looks like, you can play for space bugs. There are lots of them here. You can select one. You are player - will be green color in this game.  And, good selection, who will you play. Game shows idea of a game – vertical shooter.

And, now, it is about 8 levels. Levels has a name – stages. 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4-1, 4-2. Including three bosses in game. And megaboss. In the very end. Boss – it is something like a big bugs. Ladybug, or bug similar to this look. He moves left and right, mainly. Well, because of, they are rather big to move up and down. In this case, they just smash you from the screen. And megaboss. It is, something like, caterpillar with alien design. And megaboss has double time more life! And it takes some time.

I draw enemies a lot. I like to draw with Basic. I use graphic primitives. As line, for example. But, in this game main figure - it is circle. An everything is with circles. Enemies in game - they are fly from top to down and shoot at you. And, I draw a lots of them here! 

I draw good, lots of things I draw here! Even, I make a realization of everything I want to do. Well, it is possible to do even more. But, everything, that was as game idea – is done here! It is, once again, something like, space ship or space bug. Bugs, should to be close to them. They are, mainly, a normal size. As a player. There are little bigger. And more big.

There is Ufo sausage. Such a cute. With three antennas at the head. There is a big ant! There is a big caterpillar! Well, there is something to look at. Even more -I take a decision, that everything will move with such medium tempo. With idea – you can see everything!

Look at this big caterpillar! It flies with space and crawl straight in space. Look - big ant! So, this is, really, yes! I think, no one expects this. To see in space a big ant!

And even more - Ufo sausages! With such funny antennas. Just like, they came from a cartoon. Game has a funny character. And, again, theme of good and kind animals. It is, also, here. It is insects. Bugs. Most different. They are, as a real thing, something like, more or less,  but all of them are your friends! And you are, maybe, fly to them as a guest!

Game has a name Free Linear Space. Free - because of it is programmed with programming language Free Basic. And other words – because of it is vertical shooter. It is like flight straight line and shoot.

And, there are here about 70 enemies. Well, bugs and Ufo sausages. But, mainly, they are like your size. But, there are bigger. And, mainly, enemies are red color or green. But, not so green as you are. One more. So, all the game is divided with color zones, looks like this. So, here it is, something like, type 16 colors. And black space. With white lines, that move with speed. Maybe, it, looks like, Ms Dos, Spectrum, MSX. Something like, games 80s, they can be at 8 bit computers.

Right now, I am doing a game process. I need to invent a way of enemy move. Right now, they fly straight. Or fly at some point and do stop. To create some more variations. And about anything else - more or less – I get all the points, that I have in my imagination. Goals are reached. Once again - some  controversial point – it is dynamics. Maybe, it is better faster. But, I am as a Basic developer – everything do with not fast speed. Slowly. And my dynamics – also, is slow. Always, like this. So, I can call it - medium tempo.

Type 8 bit computers. And, more dynamical and more fast - it will be next time! Saying more, it is, already, built - program part for space vertical shooter. And, I need to do – new drawing. And, I like to draw. And, make bigger dynamics. And calibrate numbers in code. It is not, so, difficult. And, new base part will be done. Maybe, something to add for more interesting. And, it will be one more vertical shooter. So, in this game - it will be with this tempo.

Vertical space shooter – it is so cool! Even more, it is made with Basic. It is so cool thing. And, almost, everything is done! There is some interest to make something little better. And, these text menus - I keep them. I like them. They are making a reference to text mode from Ms Dos. So, this is Free Linear Space, in the result!

Basic Pascal version 1.17 "BLOCK" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Platform Ball, Cabin Pilot, Free Blocker, Free Bee. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version. 

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