Free Bee – summer little days and dreams of a little bee!


Funny little bee is doing her things. And, all around – it is so good little day. So good day is today. And, little sun is shining. And, little bee is smiling. And, sky is so blue. And, so, fruits are, even, in the air. Why not to eat them! Or to take them with yourself. Decide for yourself – eat or take. Sound in game makes a reference, that, anyway, to eat! Delicious fruit, Something like apple, or tangerine. And, so, you are flying and collecting fruits. Game is such a good and kind game about a little bee. And at your side – bugs are flying. They are flying about their own things to do. And, they do not touch you. But, you do not need to crust at them! So, this is a little game about summer and good and kind!

And, here, before you - it is a series of drawing. About a release of this game. In terms of series Basic Pascal version 1.17 “Block”. So, they are, like show game better. These pictures, introduce game. Show game. To show game with interesting side. In a base, All of these places at the pictures - a game screen from the game. And, someway, they are modified. Something about details are added. To add some objects. With compare with game screen themselves. Somewhere scale is bigger. But, in main, game is, looks like, you see it at the pictures! So, some art - it is, almost, a game screen.

Little bee and tangerine. Or orange! Main theme, for a game. Of course. Light sky. And, little bee. And, orange! Looks, how sweet and delicious it is, delicious orange! And, what a funny, joyful, good and kind little bee it is! It sets a mood! Something positive! Summer!

And, pay attention – bug is flying at your direction. He is not dangerous. But, no need to crash into him! It is a computer game, anyway! So, here everything is good and kind. But, no need to run at the bugs. It will be a straight crash. And, you lost a life! Fly next about your things, fly around! And eat delicious orange!

So, it is, so good for a little bee. To fly this way all day long. And, to watch at the blue sky. Everything is so bright. And, beautiful! As, a summer day! It is, by its idea endless! And, evening – what a beautiful evening can be! It is, simply, excellent place to be there for everyday! By, the way, it is summer countryside season. And, so, little bee is flying and look at everything around. And, eats tangerine. Bugs, sometimes, appear to flash near you. They are not evil. So, they are not eat! So, here, can, lots of someone to fly! In game - only one type of bugs.

And, lets, look close view. Bug is flying. Two tangerines. And, little bee. Summer ideal vision. Such a picture. Little bee, maybe, such picture can to point in frame and put it on the wall in her bee little house. And, to watch it in the evening. When she drinks a tea. It is a game in series of good and kind animals.  Here it is, a little bee. And, bug too. But, you play as little bee. Good and kind animals. They speaks - bzzzzz! Today, - it is little bee! Such an orange color flying big fly. Which makes - bzzz! Bee - it is not a fly! Bzzz! Joke! For a mood!

And, look, in a dream, bee has a dream, while she sleeps. Around her, lots of tangerines. All around -there are tangerines. What a dream! And, there are, so, lots of little bees. Or, is it a spell like from Baldur`s Gate, when visual copies of yourself. And, you are alone, actually. And, around you – lots of your copies. They copy your moves with some distance from you. Or, lots of little bees. Friends! Friends – it is so funny and good! It is so good, when you have lots of friends! And, little bees, there are lots of them! And, lots of tangerines! There will be, enough, for everyone! So, these are summer things, that little bee is doing!

Basic Pascal version 1.17 "BLOCK" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Platform Ball, Cabin Pilot, Free Blocker, Free Bee. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version. 

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