Cabin Pilot – fantastic flight


Shooter, view from a cabin. You are flying with a space ship. And shoot with a laser. You are flying across different planets. They are different with background. And you are a with a space avenger. View from a cabin - it is a reference to simulation, but it is arcade, of course.

So, here we have a view from a cabin – and this gives a game some simulation point. But, it plays, anyway, as arcade. And, something like different backgrounds – it is about a different planets. There is a planet jungle. It is green background. There is a planet with sand. Where it is always a sand storms. It is, for example, yellow color. And standard blue – typical sky.

5 types of enemies are here. They are fly, also. Two types of rockets. They are flying across the screen – from the left to the right, for example. 2 forms of small airplanes of space ships. And, 1 normal about size space ship.

You have 1 type of weapon – laser. It shoots, immediately, with a burst. And, it requires a little of time for reload. Laser battery it has there. And, such a beam of light, something like that.

You need to shoot at the little square for aiming. You receive this area with lasers. And, at once, a burst.

At the down there is your game score. And your armor. In a form of a vertical lines. So, everything is before your eyes. All you need. And fly and shoot. And for a long time, I dream to make games like these – typical shooters. About space and sci fi, for example. Top down view, or view from a cabin – it is not so big difference.

So, here I,  for the first time, apply sound. In this game it will be a minimal sound. It is a sound of a motor. As you fly. All-time sound. And shoot sound. Some several sound signals. Notes.

Control is simple.

During gameplay

 Button Escape or Q – for exit the game

Arrow directions - for the move

Space – for the shoot

It is a second game with programming language BBC Basic for SDl2. And, idea this game, initially, taken from a videogame Spitfire Commando for 8 bit computer BBC Micro. It has a theme for second world war. And you are something like in a cabin of a Spitfire. As for me, game seems very progressive. It is almost a simulation, but arcade and action it looks like. It is very minimal made everything. And you have a sense of presence there. And this is amazing. And game has a few colors - only. And, so cool in result! And I want to make something like that for a long time.

And second source – it is again Star Wars Episode 6. Excellent action movie. Science fiction. Blasters. Space ships. Flight, also including, a different planets. Same gliders in a forest, with a big trees. It is very remarkable moment!

Program part

It is programming with programming language BBC Basic for SDL2. I use several colors. Little less than 8. Mode 2. Screen resolution 1280 at 1024. For the first time I use sound.

Development state

Game is in development yet. I need to make a game process. Levels. To program enemies. To make all menus.

This game will be released in terms of new version Basic Pascal Pack games. This game and some more games will be in a new version Basic Pascal Pack. As soon as I will have several complete games. All of them will to be in a new version Basic Pascal Pack. And a new version Basic Pascal Pack will be published for download.

Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro.

With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.

Basic Pascal:





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