Uzhik – picture of level! In a bright garden!


Uzhik – it is continue to be in development. Now I am doing for Uzhik a decoration visual. I draw a levels. So, now it is, already, there is understanding - how it will look. A game levels. It is final look. I made a process of creating levels. And all the visual side of this.

So, in game you will play as a little snake. Like a grass snake. It is green. And it is good and kind. He smiles. Snake will crawl and eat strawberry. Strawberry – they are such balls. And it is all you need to get to next level.

7 game modes. Each with three levels. Levels are short. Levels I call here – gardens. Word garden I use here. You are in a garden and crawl as a little snake. So, everything is so bright and colorful here. Grass and flowers. It is a main game idea. To give this mood!

And game will have whole 7 episodes. Or game modes. They will be different with game screen border. And what kind of game objects game field is field with. For, example, only grass. Or only with flowers. Or flowers, grass and stones. But you can go though this objects. They are decorations.

You cannot go through wood. Branches, and trees. They are brown color. They are obstacles. Just crawl and collect all the strawberry. Eat. It is delicious. So, this is a game idea!

Game is still in development. With QB64. Right now, for me it is a comfortable programming language for me, as a developer. And with this development, I was deep into art. Drawing. I want to draw. So that’s why lots of time goes to a pictures again. And also, a programming logic and making image at the screen.

Right now, snake is relaxing. He cannot to move. I need to teach snake how to move. And make collision with obstacles. And to check everything!

This game and two more – they will be in a new version of Basic Pascal pack. In a next version it will be a 3 new games! There will be Pinguin in a village of smiles, Koloratura and Uzhik! Basic Pascal pack – it is whole pack with game, made with modern versions of programming language Basic and Pascal!

Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro.

With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.

Basic Pascal:






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