Alice Cooper – otherworld labyrinths


Music drawing based on advisement of Alice Cooper age of albums – DragonTown and Brutal Planet. So, I can say, that I begin to start to be a music listener of this artist in this era. Both records I find very interesting. But in those days, I was more interested in more Heavy Metal sound of Brutal Planet. In those days genre Heavy Metal was a new for me. And typical rock rhymes and some music moves was very new to me. Album Dragontown is also good, but with little difference sound. But also, heavy and dark. And even something gothic into all of these. I like a lot front cover for this record. And have a dream to repeat it one day.

 And this is my drawing based on. So original art is black and white and rather simple. So, as idea, I just repeat it. Simple, in a way - that there are two colors only. White and black. And silhouette. But I to repeat it.  Because of I for myself cannot to draw this silhouette. It is, already, difficult. So, in result, it looks very close to original version. But I do my best to make it made by myself.

So, for your attention, Alice Cooper in colors CGA for system MS DOS. CGA gives several palettes with 16 colors. I use colors from random palettеs. From all the colors.

Two versions of colors. With little difference in details. White and purple (red).

Alice Cooper. All of these moves into dark and gothic world. Ash. And dark sky. Old castle. And sand dark as it is sand from the moon. And skeletons and zombies are ahead. It is a dark castle. There is a center of a dark presence here. Castle at its half fall into otherworld dimension. And it becomes much more in size. So, there are here lots of old corridors, that never exists before. Web. Skeletons. And corrinoids out of grey stone. Sometimes stone can be white. Mainly – grey. And rare light. Emptiness. And dust at the ground. These corridors look endless and empty.

Castle makes whole new dimension. And it absorbing inside a space around it. So there, somewhere in depth, dark knight is sitting. In a black armor and with red eyes. He is reading some magical mystical books. And they are changing everything around. You need to reach a levels of magic library. And find there a center room. And stop a dark knight.

Alice Cooper, rock musician, who recorded albums Brutal Planet and Dragontown. During his music session about recording these records receive this wave. And it was a lighting in those day. And Alice Cooper see this place in a dream. One music fan gives him a crystal ball, which works. During his tour. Alice Cooper was already very tired after the concert. And just one fan run into him, he said something, something not to understand at once. Maybe it was not English language. And gives him into hands a small box. Alice Cooper was tired, and don’t pay attention.  Just throw it into a box with concert things.

And at home, already, after the tour. Ball starts to shake and glow. And Alice takes it out of the box. And it shows him a strange otherworld places. World of ash. World of lava. World of ice. Some lots of catacombs. And it makes some influence on him. And sometimes he has a dreams. And in one of these dreams he saw this castle.

Nobody knows how it appears here. It should to be just a forest here. There is no any road to this place. Well, some very bad road, it is hard to say it is a road though forest.

So, this or that, Alice Cooper came to this place. And now crystal ball gives him advice what to do next. It is good to find some mystical weapon. There is something like that in a castle. It is psi psycho power. So, you do not need to be a fighter skill. Music wave, music of Alice Cooper gives him a powerful impulse for explore these mystical weapons. And using psycho wave – is a way to get skill of using these weapons. He will fight with supernatural.

Here it is skeletons. First floors look like casual old house. And later it goes a catacombs. And while dark knight is reading a book. Time is distorted here. 10 minutes in catacombs – 1 minute at surface. And labyrinth of catacombs all the time is drawing. It is making a form. So, there are dead ends here. And secret passages.

You need to reach library. And already now level with library is separated with magic trap. Which transport you to a place – between the worlds. Plane of worlds. Tower between worlds. It will be lots of supernatural there. So, you need practice good in catacombs to smash zombies and skeletons.

And next - halls of library await you. It is also a whole labyrinth. And center hall – with dark knight.

It is idea that he came here from portal. From a rift between dimensions. Fugitive. As a rat. And become a strong very fast. He needs to be stopped by someone with certain psycho wave. It is very reasonable thing – psi energy. It gives you spells. Such as a small hit wave. Just put your black glove forward. And it should to work. Find a spells during you are exploring this place.

So just now, between catacombs and a library appeared a new rift. Black forest. Strange supernature place. With fogs. Black as they after fire trees. Which growing high into the sky.  And ash at the ground. Ravens are crawling here and there. You can see it through a crystal ball. Get hurry! And before the way not to become an endless.

It is a thing, I think for a long time ago. Idea of the game like Diablo 1,2. Plane of the worlds, tower between the worlds – it is from Diablo 2. Catacombs – it is from labyrinth from first part. So mainly, I think, like first part of the game. So, I think, first part more like horror. So local. Local scale of atmosphere.

And like game Diablo 1. Labyrinths, but with castle. And Alice Cooper. As impression after albums Dragontown and Brutal Planet. Such stylization. Music. Game. First of all, impressions after labyrinths from Diablo 1. Very first levels of catacombs. There is everything in grey. White stone for stairs. Hard rock or atmosphere rock. And also going down there also interesting locations. Magical.

So, I dream for a long time to show this idea. So, I remember it now.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.








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