Music art


So, I have ended to go to a country house by weekends. So, it is a starting autumn days. And I by weekends try to lean music instruments. Simple way. As I can say, as a music listener, music fan. I have already three music instruments. Electro guitar – yellow color. From my teenage times or a little more older. Bass guitar – Ural, made in Soviet Union. It has a color of polished dark wood furniture color. It is very beautiful music instrument. And synthesizer Youth 21 (Junost 21). Also from age of USSR and metal color. I try learn a simple way. Beginner level.

So, with my electro guitar – I learn a simple chords. Chords style of rock, heavy metal. I dream about to record a song. In a genre of a space rock. I want to make a song about space, to compose a song about space. And half of chords I already have learn.

Of course, to make a song – it is more hard then a pack of chords. I need to make them together. To sing it all, it is more difficult. And standalone them – to make a record. But half of chords I have already learn. At first it was a very slow hard, I start to think I cannot to do this, it was hard process. I am not very musical person. Now it is become more better.

At bass guitar – I want gothic rock style of Sisters of Mercy – Alice. I like this style of music. So, I dream to make some autumn clip with bass guitar. So, I think will not be ready for this autumn. And a standalone them - Alice from Wonderland. As I can say it is my fav fairytale.

Last in line, I have bought a synthesizer. With it I learn chords too. And some scales. I try to understand how to make a retrowave. And one thing I dig a book with a name – “to a music with a fun”. I want to compose a songs about little ducking. Some funny songs, you know. Dima and duckling are doing music. Such a kind songs. Style of USSR. As I have this in my head.

So, this is all my success in this direction.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.









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