Cleaning the metal
So, at the village, sometimes I do something, it happens, this summer. And, I transport there all details of old computer by firm Nixdorf. I and my brother, we take all the things apart, we deconstruct computer. And in this state – we check all details. To search for rust. It is lots of rust. And transport to the village all the details. To remove rust. I do remove from rust with a special cleaning tool. Brother buy it. It helps. It removes rust very good.
I think, I can remove rust. And I do not know, can I do it till the end of summer. When I do remove rust – I put on gas mask. And hands are defensed with rubber gloves. And, at first, I with brush do lubricate with a cleaning tool. And after - with metal toothbrush I start to rub.
And, it is lots of rust, of course. But, as I think, I can do it more or less. In some places where, rust is not deep – everything is easy and fast. And, there are places with rust that built in deep into metal. So, in this case it is much more difficult. So, I need to push with power. And it has such orange layer inside. And, it is goes out as a crumbling dust. And in places where it is easy to remove rust – it reminds dust, or better to say, dirt, and with a water and cleaning tool remove it.
I take a
notice, that some parts of computer case, are easy to bend. And I need to think - can I to make metal more
strong. And to think – what to do with power block. All upper layer is in rust.
I think, it is possible to remove rust. And inside everything looks in a good
state. So, I think I need another power block case.
case is normal. In some places, it is not durable. And in some place, it will
stay with rust, but a little of rust points. And main rust layer - it can be
removed from details. It is for sure.
And what to
do with case for power adapter I do not know. It is someway all in rust. And
can it be a stronger, more durable metal case. So, it is interesting. And I do
not have answers yet. First, I remove everything from rust.
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
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