Frinsh – game like tic tac toe – but without logic


Now, if final stage, there is one more game with programming language Pascal. Game is written with Free Pascal. And it will go with pack Basic Pascal games.

So, Basic Pascal pack already have some games. You can download them from website Itchio, GameJolt or author’s website. There is standalone page for every game at author`s website, with special decoration each game. And, also, a theme with Basic Pascal games. And GameJolt and Itchio – you can download all pack. At authors website you can do it too.

And development is almost finished. It is some style of Tic Tac Toe. But it is not them. Game field here is another. 5 by 4. Size. And 20 cells.  Why there are 20 cells? And, it is very simple. By format of sprites. And sprites by themself are taken from Pond Game. It is also written in Free Pascal. And this game was taken as a code, as a base.

So, I make my dreams come true. As, I finished Pond Game, I, already, had several ideas. And, also, a some game with a cells grid. It is a realization.

Game is simple. And it is not a logic game. But base is taken from Tic Tac Toe. You need to make turns, one by one. Three are playing. Insect, fish and frog. You can choose what creature you will play. And you need to make doubles. This means, that you gain score for vertical or horizontal lines, that is made from two creatures. Only vertical or horizontal, and only with two elements. And, next, you cannot set into near cells. Maximum, you can do an angle. And everyone is going after another. Game is for fun. And it has no logic. Simply, make turn place you want and make doubles. And this is all. Everyone is doing this. And having fun.

Have fun with animals at the pond. It is like these. This game in someway continue ideas of games about pond. And it is made with little less powers, that was put into it. So, it is already taken complete graphics from Game Pond. And, just, it was written new gameplay. That’s why game is little more simple looks, and visually it looks like Pond Game. But, as gameplay, it is already new game.

So, it is interesting about title of the game. Game is Frinsh. English name. It is like – Frog Insect Fish. So, part of words. As characters in game, they are taking role into the game. Brother has made this title. I, as myself, title this game as code name Pond 2. And, I was thinking, for a long time, about final name. And, I ask brother to help. He played it and made a decision.

Game is made with 1 level. One match. With rules like Tic Tac Toe. You played. And that’s all. So, it goes fast. 4 minutes, or even less. So, this is for with all cinematics if to watch from start to the end. And game itself is about 1 minute, maximum. Or even half minute match. It goes. I think it is good for relax in office or at home. To remove stress. Or such fun. Or retro. And, here, there are pictures from debug of the game. So, I checked how it goes. And, fun and free time – it is a main thing! And good mood!


Basic Pascal pack


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