Pond – two games


Pond – it is a place, where lives kind animals. Fish, frog, insect. Pond – it is whole world. It is a home for kind creatures. And also, it is a cycle of games about kind style. They are made in Basic and Pascal theme.

I have already made 2 games. Complete – means programmed. And I don’t publish them yet. Today is announce.

Pond Game – it is first game. It is a logic game about memory. Idea is simple. You are walking the pond. And there is water lily, and reeds. And of course, water. And somewhere there are animals. And you need to guess where is who. Every game level has a frog, insect and fish. And random way computer asks your – where is certain creature.

For make answer simple, all screen is separated with squares. And it is easy top pick a square.

Game is not dynamical. It is 9 squares at the screen. And you are in one of them. Game is about memory. First goes pictures, after you are being asked to show one of shown creatures. Game has a showing picture in its idea. And remember objects.


Fish in the Lake – it is second game. Now we are at the lake. It is a big place. And under water surface there are living many fish. It is like whole aquarium. Here and there fish is moving. You are watching it. And you need to point a place at the screen with a special fish. Special fish has a schematic look. And all other fish are drawn full.

You have cursor to point a place with a special fish.

So, it is similar way game as a first one. But here the first goes aquarium with different fish. And you are looking at this vary big colorful range of fish. So here you have a pike, luna fish, just wish, fish with sleeves. And above all these you need to find out where is schematic fish. And everything is goes in real time.  You have about 10  seconds to watch. And here we have another cursor. It moves smooth.

So, I have programmed these two games. But I need to publish and decorate and upload theme. These two games are made in Free Pascal.



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