Pond Game


Frog is living at the pond. Insect is living at the pond. Fish is living at the pond. Pond - it is a funny place and a home for different creatures. They have their own deals. But, sometimes, they like to play. Play with them in this simple game. Game is taking less than 5 minutes.


You are walking the pond. And you can see different parts of the pond. So, there is insect in the corner. So, in another corner there is fish. And in another place – frog. And, then, computer asks you – show me where have you seen frog, for example. And if your answer is right, then you receive 1 score.


So, there its own scores for every creature type. Game is simple and kind. Not dynamic. It goes by screens. It is made in true retro programming language – Free Pascal.


Take a pause and have a walk around virtual pond. It is something like game with memory and for remember items.

To check the game at author’s page:


Or to download all pack Basic Pascal games:




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