
Showing posts from July, 2024

Tria – Pseudo 3d space fighter

  Tria – simple space shooter. Idea of the game – it is a simple space shooter. Pseudo three dimensional. And everything is made with black and white visual. With white lines space ships are drawn, stars and lasers. And black color of space. Also, game, of course, is made with impressions after a movie, that I saw recently, it is Star Wars Episode 6. From 80s. Retro sci fi theme.

Killing Floor – workshop – new maps, weapons, plus 1000 points of interest!

  Killing Floor, it is a game about a maps, something like Counter Strike. But, here you need to deflect monsters waves. Lots of monsters. They attack with every wave. And, you deflect these waves. Different difficulty levels. And you can play alone or by network. With several players. 

Tria - balance in space

  Tria   – Developer`s log – balance in space Hello! Developer`s log. About game Tria. Tria – it is a simple space shooter. It is doing with programming language QB64. And game is still in development. It will be a game about space. With retro graphics style. Black and white. With interesting graphics mode 640 with 200. Two colors black and white. Black background. And all the graphics made with white color lines.

Basic Pascal Version 1.15 – plan Penguin is done!

  It is a celebration event. New version pack with computer games Basic Pascal! Whole three new games it has! 25 June 2024 it was an event. It was released a new version of pack with computers games, which are mainly written with Basic. I write now with QB64. It is a modern version of programming language QBasic. Everything works with modern systems. For example, Windows 10, 11.

Tria - start for a space retro shooter

  It is just started a development of a new game. With Basic. It is a space shooter. Just like pseudo three dimensional. I dream always about to make a simple space shooter. Pair of enemies. Simple background. Simple control. It will be a game exactly this kind.